Everyone belongs.

Migrants in Citizen Science

The term "citizen science" can be exclusive and prevent non-citizens and migrants from contributing their valuable knowledge to science and society. To promote diversity and inclusivity, it's crucial to involve migrants in citizen science projects. Migrants can offer unique perspectives shaped by their cultural backgrounds and personal experiences, enhancing research and promoting social integration.

In Norway and Europe, migrant participation in citizen science can address social issues related to sustainability, health, education, social justice, and so on. The MCSA recognizes the importance of migrant involvement in citizen science projects to promote equitable research practices and ensure diverse perspectives are reflected in new knowledge. By promoting the active involvement of migrants in citizen science, MCSA aims to ensure that science, society, and policy are more inclusive and reflective of the diversity of the communities. This can lead to the formation of new knowledge that benefits both the migrant communities and the broader society, ultimately contributing to a more equitable and just society.

All About Citizen Science

Explainer video:

What is citizen science?

"This animation provides a brief and engaging introduction to citizen science approaches in prevention, and is aimed at anyone wanting to find out more about citizen science and the opportunities and benefits of these approaches in research, policy and practice in prevention."

The video "Explainer Video: What is citizen science" was published by The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre on YouTube.

The Awesome Power of

Citizen Science

The SciStarter | SciShow

"You don't have to be a professional scientist to make a contribution to our collective knowledge."

The video "The Awesome Power of Citizen Science" was published by SciShow on YouTube.

EU - Citizen.Science


"Over 36 months, the EU-Citizen.Science project has successfully built a knowledge hub for citizen science in Europe. But we have done way more than that! From a collaboration with the most relevant citizen science actors in Europe that has led to the development of international events, to the production of more than 20 citizen science training modules, the community built around the EU-Citizen.Science platform is growing."

The video "EU - Citizen.Science Project" was published by European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) on YouTube.